Friday, March 20, 2009

OMG Purple Dahlia

OMG Purple Dahlia is a nicely combined purple and dark purple colored shawl, lined with white and purple dahlia flowers. OMG Purple Dahlia just screams femininity and 'ahhh just buy me already!".

Of Chiffon material with 1.7m measurement

OMG Purple Dahlia

Price RM18

1. Sold
2. Reserved to Hani
3. Reserved to Basyirah
4. Reserved to Intan

OMG Blue Paramecium

OMG Blue Paramecium is a aqua blue colored shawl with printed small white dots and lined with parameciums! Paramecium is also known as Lady Slippers, OMG tooo cute! Wear this shawl to biology class and impress your mates and lecturers with your biology enthusiasm!

of Chiffon material with 1.7m measurement

OMG Blue Paramecium
Price RM18

1. Available
2. Available

OMG Fireworks

This is an absolute steal! OMG Fireworks is a fuchsia tudung with amazing and vibrant patterns that makes this piece so stand-out! Only one piece available.

Of Chiffon material with 1.1 x 1.1m measurement

OMG Fireworks
Price RM13

1. Reserved to Hani

OMG Black Ink

OMG Black Ink & OMG Laura Ashley (Mud)

OMG Black Ink is a light blue colored shawl with soft white patches lined with paisley and splashed black ink pattern. The black ink motif is so prominent we decided OMG Black Ink name suits perfectly. You know what else suits perfectly? OMG Black Ink and the wearer :)

Of Chiffon material with 1.7m measurement

OMG Black Ink
Price RM18

1. Reserved to Leen
2. Reserved to aj

OMG Laura Ashley (Mud)- RESTOCKED!

(truest color)

OMG Laura Ashley holds to the known name~ with unique English roses and backed with smokey brown or pink. Its perfect for everyday and for a day when you just have to look beautiful..

This edition of Laura Ashley is in Mud color.

Of Chiffon material with 2m long

OMG Laura Ashley

1. booked - aj
2. Available
3. Available
4. Available

OMG Plain Jane 4

OMG Plain Jane tudung & shawls come with various colors to choose from.

This edition (from left to right): Redish Orange (Tudung), Fuchsia (Tudung), Cream (Tudung) and Purple (Shawl).

Of Chiffon material with 1.1m x 1.1m measurements (tudung),
1.7m long (shawl).

OMG Plain Jane Redish Orange Tudung
Price RM10

1. Available

OMG Plain Jane Fuchsia Tudung
Price RM10

1. Available
2. Available

OMG Plain Jane Cream Tudung
Price RM10

1. Sold!

OMG Plain Jane Purple Shawl
Price RM13

1. Available

OMG Spring Day

OMG Spring Day is a shawl with yellow/orange flowers invading the white background giving it the touch of sweetness and warmth. Just like a spring day!

Of Chiffon material with 1.7m measurement

OMG Spring Day
Price RM15

1. Reserved to Basyirah
2. Sold

1. Available
2. Available

Updates SOON!

Hello sweets!

We are so happy to inform that updates will come very soon! Prolly tonite around 10.00pm. We've got bunch of amazing new shawls and tudungs in store for everyone that you could not find anywhere else! So stay tuned for the updates alrite!


OMG Matematik - SOLD OUT

OMG Matematik

Price RM 13

1. Sold!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

OMG Little Black Dots-SOLD OUT

Polka Dots are must-haves! They have been around since our moms and dads were toddlers, even during our grandparents time they were the 'in' thing. Evergreen and still so cute! What more can you ask?

Of Chiffon material with 1.1m x 1.1m measurements

OMG Little Black Dots



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